Saturday, March 03, 2007

Going to the Arizona Renaissance Faire

Just SW of Phoenix they have their annual Renaissance Faire. This was their 19th year.
Here is one of the princesses that you find roaming about the grounds.

Fair going is hard work and here we are taking a little break for lunch and a cool drink.

Below we see Chris and Jane choosing their ride home. They eventually gave up and when we left it was by way of our F-150.

Jane is finishing up a transaction as Chris is coming over to catch up with me.

Below is a rack of scarves. The bright color was so representative of the spirit fun of entire day.


Matthew said...

Well i hope your ready for another one, the Bristol Faire that we will be going to when I get home!

pem2az said...


Anonymous said...

I love that shot of Jane ;) And I'm wondering if Mom's new vacation uniform will become that pink plaid? Remember all the vacation photos with the orange & brown tank? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Of course it is my newest addition to the vacation ensembles. I also found it in several more photos from the year before!