Monday, May 07, 2007

Spring Is Really Here

At long last we have finally been having some spring weather. The first picture is a plant Mel & Family sent us for Easter. Initially we (jokingly) referred to it as the bucket of dirt, as it was a dry basket, full with dirt and a couple of nubs peeking through the surface. But, it said to water it and it would come to life. As you see it did, with one of Chris' favorite spring flowers, Lilly of the Valley.

Another spring achievement, we have finally conquered the squirrels as evidenced by the full planter below. Although we enjoy their crazy antics all year long we did not appreciate their bulb eating. For those who have battled squirrels yourself the magic ingredient is about 3 inches below the soil surface and just above the top of the bulbs, chicken wire. The bulbs grow through and the pesky grey creatures find an annoying barrier to their treats, not that they did not try as evidenced by the holes we found in the dirt that they had left behind in their attempt to retrieve a snack.

Here is another view of the tulips, they look really good, almost good enough to eat, NOT!

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